Geese Participating in Semi-Organized Protesting

What they want to protest:

  • The disappearance of fresh water
  • Human intrusion of their one-mile personal bubble space

  • The Disappearance of Fresh Water

    Ever wonder why the geese really hang out by pond or field of grass at the local park? There are two reasons:

    Canadian geese flying
  • Noticeable locations from the sky for protests
  • To steal water
  • You might be wondering "How are they protesting? They don't have any signs." Well, obviously geese weren't built to write, so they just do verbal protests and marches. Very unorganized ones.

    This is where the irony comes in:

    The geese march around announcing that humans are causing waters to go away [though it is winter time when they show up]. They make themselves sound like an awkward voice-cracking preteen boy going through puberty, and do so mockingly. They think this vocal ability allows them to shout down opposers. Therefore, when one goose starts honking at someone, a mob mentality kicks in [all geese join in the yelling].

    Here is some recorded evidence of geese mockingly honking.

    While they protest the disappearance of water based on emotion, they're also on the mission to steal the accessible fresh water. Geese have a hidden pouch in their feathers underneath so that when they go swim, the water flows filters through the feathers and into the pouch. They take off with the water and aren't paying water rights for it!

    "The breach of a goose's personal bubble space during their protests"

    Ever seen a goose do this? Usually isn't a good thing. Cause this is what usually happens:

    Real stuff here guys. Geese think that they have a very, very, very, very, very large personal bubble space. Sometimes like a mile long. They take advantage of this to harrass people physically. Even cartoons acknowledge this behavior:

    Even size doesn't matter for their abrasive behavior. They believe that they are bigger and more intimidating than they actually are! They probably think they are very similar to "their ancestor raptors!" Big or small, it's all part of a bigger plan...

    They are spies!